Favorite Resources

These are just a few of the resources I'd like to share with you, and I'll be updating this post to add more very soon! 


On Facebook: 

Female Followers of the Way- Sanctuary for the Persecuted

This group is for Torah Observant women in abusive marriages.  If you’re not sure if you’re being abused, but know you aren’t feeling loved, cherished, respected and supported, join the group.  


Biblical Christian Egalitarians

This group brings together egalitarians from many walks of the faith, and has scholarly and enlightening conversations.  


2 Hebrew Hearts

My husband and I met through the Hebrew Hearts facebook group, so it holds a special place in our hearts.  The admins, Jamie and Daniel, place a lot of emphasis on emotional growth and healing.   


The Sexually Healthy Man group

I have not yet read The Sexually Healthy Man book, but the author, Andrew Bauman also wrote The Psychology of Porn which I recommend.  His blog is also excellent, and I frequently share this post on story of confronting his objectification of women: Face to Face with a Dying God: Engaging Beauty and Arousal I also often share What Happens When My Abusive Husband Gets Healthy?


Just a Little Joy

Joy Burt posts inspiring and encouraging memes and her own eloquent writing.  


InspiringYou Blog

I can’t link to the private group, but Jennifer Davis’ comments there were a great encouragement to me during my marriage to my ex husband who was a porn addict and recovering from betrayal trauma. She speaks publicly about her experience on her blog.  



The Great Sex Rescue

My current top recommendation! Everyone who has had sex or is thinking about having sex should read this book. Read my review and find out why I loved it so much. 


Boundaries in Marriage

Excellent book, but I have to post it with the caveat that it is for marriages in which both partners are committed to growth and healing.  If the marriage is one sided, or if you are feeling generally not loved, cherished or safe, read the first book Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No  by yourself before reading Boundaries in Marriage.  Also ignore the last chapter where they give lip service to wife-only submission which doesn’t make any sense in the context of the rest of the book.  


The 5 Love Languages

It’s been so many years since I read this that I don’t recall exactly which version I read.  There are a lot of them!  But the concept always stuck with me and my husband had read it years ago too.  So together we read Building Love Together in Blended Families before we got married.  It helped him navigate becoming a step dad to my kids. 


The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

This is a phenomenal book from relationship experts who get to claim that title because they’ve actually spent decades doing hands on research into what makes marriages last.  My husband and I continually come back to the principles in this book to help us resolve conflict. 


The Grief Recovery Handbook

This book helped me process my divorce and the events that preceded it.  It’s both empathetic and practical. 


When Children Grieve

Applying the same concepts from The Grief Recovery Handbook to helping adults help their kids navigate loss.


Torah Observant Egalitarians

I have not listened to all of these podcasts, but I feel confident recommending anything from Pastor Crystal Lutton.  Here are the ones she’s done on passages of the Bible on women or marriage: 

Women can inherit

Rahab was a What?

Ruth and Boaz

The Lord Raised up Judges

Making the Connection Between Husband and Wife


Matt Nappier is a Torah keeping pastor out of Louisiana, and I’m enjoying his sermons on marriage so far.

Women’s Role, Design and Function

Biblical Foundations for Marriage

Biblical Foundations for Intimacy


Tyler Dawn Rosenquist is a Torah keeping teacher at The Ancient Bridge and Context for Kids.  I’m sure she has more on women and marriage, but these are the ones I’ve read. 

Are Marriage Laws Pagan?

Is Polygamy Really a Biblical Thing?


David Wilber is a Torah keeping pastor with 119 Ministries and he weaves an egalitarian message into this teaching on 1 Peter 2 and 3. 

Life in Exile: Living Honorably Among the Gentiles


Grace In Torah

The Biblical Role of Women series goes through the Bible from the creation of woman as the Ezer Kenegdo to the Proverbs 31 Woman, Ruth, and other Biblical women. It cumulates with posts on submission and authority regarding New Testament passages about women and marriage.



I don’t 100% agree with any of the resources listed here, even the ones who are also Torah Observant and Egalitarian.  We all have slightly different takes on things. I also can’t speak to their doctrines on any other topics, as it’s not my focus.  These believe these people have a heart for truth.  I’ve gleaned something from each of them, and as you do your own study, I trust you will glean the good as well and set aside anything that doesn’t sit right in your spirit.


What Makes a Biblical Marriage?


Does 1 Peter 3 Command Wives to Obey Husbands?